
Welcome to Swinton Primary School Early Learning and Childcare (ELC). We are delighted to be working with you and your child throughout their time in our ELC. We are very excited that we will be able to provide learning at Swinton. I know that you will enjoy watching your child develop and grow through the care and guidance of both our ELC and school staff.

From January 2022, we are able to offer Breakfast Club to all our ELC children. Breakfast Club opens at 8am every weekday morning during term time and costs only 20p per child, per day.

Our ELC Vision, Values and Aims

Vision - Happy spaces, where we work together to learn, grow and challenge ourselves

Children and Community Achieving Together


Positive, Welcoming, Respectful and Thriving.


We promote mutual respect by encouraging the children to be kind to themselves, each other and their environment.
We are inclusive & respectful to all and we embrace our differences.
We aim to provide a home-from-home experience, where children feel safe, comfortable and confident allowing them to engage fully in their learning.
We take a risk-benefit approach in all experiences that we provide and work together with the children so that they understand how to keep themselves safe.
We provide challenging indoor and outdoor experiences and support the children to step out of their comfort zone, persevere and succeed.
We challenge stereotypes and ensure the child’s rights are upheld.
We encourage the children to work together to achieve a shared goal – TEAMWORK MAKES THE DREAMWORK!
We aim to work in collaboration with families & other professionals to ensure the best outcomes for the children.
We aim to have open lines of communication where all service users feel their opinion is valued and respected.
We understand that all behaviour is communication and support children to communicate with others in a way that is developmentally appropriate.

Opening Times


Lunch Time


Pick Up Times

On Fridays we finish at 12:30pm

What will my child learn at Swinton ELC?

As practitioners we work hard to ensure the curriculum we provide reflects the 7 principles as stated in ‘A Curriculum For Excellence’

Your child will be given a wide range of experiences. Our main focus areas are: literacy, numeracy and health & wellbeing. These are based on the following:

Emotional, Personal & Social Development
Communication & Language
Knowledge and Understanding of the World
Expressive and Aesthetic Development
Physical Development and Movement

Our Staff

Early Learning and Childcare

Mrs Laidlaw
Early Years Officer
Miss Rutter
Early Years Practitioner


ELCC - Aims and Policy Booklet

ELC Handbook 2021-22